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Vision and Guiding Principles


A vibrant residential neighborhood, economic center and transportation hub that facilitates the preservation of existing key industries while creating new opportunities for housing and jobs with an elevated sense of arrival from the Hollywood-Burbank Airport, Metrolink Stations, and proposed High-Speed Rail Station.

Guiding Principles

Build Community

Facilitate Development that builds community through mixed-use neighborhoods near transit, while protecting existing single-family and multi-family neighborhoods.

Create Complete Neighborhoods

Facilitate the development of new, well-designed mixed-use and residential neighborhoods that provide residents and employees with increased access to most daily necessities and services, including jobs, amenities, transit, and high-quality open space. 

Support a Mix of Housing Types, Unit Sizes

Create a new mix of housing types and unit sizes to accommodate different needs, family sizes, and income levels through updated development and design standards. 

Foster a Resilient,   Sustainable District

Foster a resilient, sustainable District through the addition of wide sidewalks, shade trees, landscaping, and green infrastructure that improves air quality, provides pedestrian comfort, cools the public realm, and captures stormwater. 

Improve Safe, Multimodal Connections

Improve district-wide accessibility by providing safe opportunities for walking, biking, and transit. 

Balance Jobs and Housing

Balance jobs and housing to strengthen the local economy while reducing transportation demand and dependence on vehicle trips. 

Leverage Transportation Assets

Leverage the District’s transportation assets—Hollywood-Burbank Airport, Metrolink, Metro Bus, BurbankBus, and the future High-Speed Rail station—with supportive land uses, transit-oriented development, and robust multi-modal connections. 

Encourage a Unique District Identity

Create a unique District identity through an enhanced public realm, high-quality urban design, special public places, and way-finding. 

Support the District as an Economic Engine

Enhance the District as a key economic engine for the City, preserving and fostering industrial and commercial business. 

Support the Airport

Support the partnership between the City of Burbank and Burbank-Airport-Glendale Airport Authority on long-term efforts to make the Hollywood-Burbank Airport a world- class facility. 

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